Peace Builder aims to establish peace amongst diverse communities in the UK and other parts of the world. To advance the Islamic Religion and promote good relations between persons of different religious faiths... Read more
Helping people through different ways by providing relief and medical assistance to the poor, needy and sick.
The (in)famous Mughal Emperor Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar was said to be a strong supporter of interfaith cooperation. He would invite Christians, Jains, Hindus, and India's best philosophers and thinkers to debate with Muslim theologians in order to find solutions to the perennial issues of what is truth. What does it mean to be divine?..
According to many research projects in Bangladesh, 92 % of madrasah students are poor, orphans, helpless, disabled etc. and they are branded as weak performers in education. 75% of them fail to find mainstream jobs after their education and remain unemployed for a long time or are stuck with low paid jobs. Their future generations also follow similar...